Digital transformation helps to streamline companies internally and improve the way they deliver their products or services to customers. Successful digital transformation also makes life easier for employees by freeing up their time and enhancing their productivity. Forward-thinking businesses deliver digital transformation not just to replicate an existing service in a digital form, but to use technology to transform that process into something that is fundamentally improved.

Why Invest in Digital Transformation?

Making this evolution from generally paper based, disconnected processes to intuitive streamlined services can deliver an exceptionally high return on investment. Successful digital transformation is underpinned by collaboration with your technology partner. The solutions EDG develop are often configured to fit our customers’ current business processes, removing the need for companies to amend their processes to fit with an inflexible “out of the box” software product design. Identifying deliverables and solutions to commence your journey to digital transformation with minimal impact on your business processes is essential; this is where experienced digital transformation innovators like EDG come in.

How EDG can Transform Your Business

EDG has over 40 years of experience delivering software to businesses on the move, providing innovative handheld computing and mobile workforce solutions. Our mobility software provides streamlined processes, removing the need for paper based systems, and can provide real-time information such as driver location, delivery confirmation, and vehicle or warehouse stock.

What is SaaS? SaaS is a licensing and distribution model used to deliver software applications through the Internet as a “Service”. Cloud-based software can be easily integrated into your business to connect your office and mobile workers, providing insightful reporting that enables improved decision-making, improving your company’s productivity. EDG has digitally transformed businesses from a wide range of industries; cutting costs and simplifying internal processes.

How EDG’s solutions will help your business:

  • Improved process efficiency.
  • Increased visibility and control.
  • Enhanced decision-making.
  • Reduced operational costs.
  • Automate repetitive tasks.
  • Decreased administrative errors.

Improved Productivity

Speed up your processes, be more agile and accurate with our innovative productivity solutions. Reduce mundane tasks like double data entry, paperwork filing, and follow up phone calls, freeing up time for your staff to focus on other activities that drive successful business outcomes.

Our solutions will improve productivity by:

  • Replacing many manual processes with digitally-enabled solutions.
  • Streamlining internal processes.
  • Reducing the time spent on repetitive tasks.
  • Providing insightful data that can be used to improve efficiencies and management decisions.

Improved Decision Making

Digital transformation drives decision making and efficiency by connecting your real-time data to your teams. Software solutions allow management teams to make informed and intelligent decisions backed by user experience data. Our solutions provide valuable insights, accurate data, and actionable analytics into your company’s performance, in turn driving informed decisions and improving your company’s performance.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Not only will you improve your working practices and systems, but your customer will also be happier too. Digital transformation helps businesses to satisfy customers’ increasing demands for real-time information and rapid response.

Why Partner With EDG?

As a market-leading solution provider, with over 40 years of experience delivering transformation and growth, our wide range of cloud-based SaaS solutions means that you can quickly transform your business and optimise your data, systems, workforce, and customer experience. Our bespoke solutions can easily integrate into your existing business practices and improve your productivity. Investing in our SaaS solutions will enhance your mobile workforce management, improving productivity, allowing you to provide your customers with the best service possible.

If you would like to benefit from industry-leading software and improve the efficiency of your business, please contact us.